Adding Serial Numbers
If any of the items flagged as being received is of type 'Serialized' a window similar to the following will open.
Type the serial number in the white box to the left of the ISI button and press Enter on your keyboard. The serial number will drop to the box below. Continue adding the serial numbers for each item received. Once each serial number has been added, click the OK button.
Generating an In Store Item Number
If you would like the software to generate an in store item number to use as the serial number, click the ISI button. The serial number will begin with 'ISI' and will be followed by the next available ISI number which is taken from the 'NextISINumber' system variable.
It is not recommended that you generate an ISI number unless you are unable to determine the actual serial number of the item.
Adding Flooring Information
AIMsi provides the ability to track flooring of your inventory. If a serialized item is received on a floor plan, click on the row of the grid containing the serial number and add the flooring information as described below.
Floored Vend
The company that is providing the financing should be established as a vendor. The vendor number should be typed here. If you do not know the vendor number, press the F6 key on your keyboard and select the vendor from the 'Pick Vendor' list box. If the vendor is not listed and therefore needs to be added, click the Add button on the 'Pick Vendor' list box. Refer to 'Add/Change Vendor' for assistance with adding a vendor.
Floor Date
The date the item went on the floor plan.
The number of the note assigned by the financing company.
Amount Floored
The amount that is being financed.
Interest Rate
The percent of interest being charged. This should be typed in decimal format and is for your information only. AIMsi is not going to calculate interest on the note.
# Months to Mature
The number of months you have to pay the financing company for the item.
Note: Setting up an inventory item on a floor plan is for tracking purposes only. If you would like the floor plan notes from financial institutions to be accounted for in general ledger you must set up the institution as a vendor and enter the notes through 'Enter A/P Invoice' on the Accounts Payable menu.